Connecting Garden and Home-Multiple Levels of Meaning
A meaningful setting for the home grows both from a particular place--created from elements in the regional context--and from the mind and artistic desires of the owner. The nature of the site must be studied and organized--into plots and subplots, into centers and dualities, boundaries and paths--before building can take place.
The first step in understanding and working with a building site is the recognition that there are three types of assemblies possible on any lot; built form--house, garage, shed; man-made gardens; and the unstructured landscape.
Feng Shui has been used by many people in order to invite good energy inside their home. The use of Feng Shui inside your garden can bring luck, success, peace of mind, good health, money, good relationship any many more. People's appreciation for nature is important because nature is a gift from God. If you want to make use of Feng Shui for your garden, it is important that you either consult an expert or locate a good Feng Shui eBook.
It is better to acquire the help of professionals because wrong Feng Shui can really bring bad luck and energy to your home. This article will help you bring good energy not just to your home but to your garden as well. · Water - water is known in Feng Shui as good luck. It is good if you can add man-made waterfalls and place it at the center of your garden. The flow of the water must be in the direction of your home and not away from your home. Waterfalls that are fast moving also symbolizes fast paced spending of money. · Trees - adding trees inside the garden mean life. If you want good energy of Chi to bring abundance inside your home, it is nice to plant some trees in your garden. There are trees that can bring good energy in your garden like cheery blossoms, Peonia, plum tree, magnolia tree, and lotus that is known as a money plant. A Feng Shui Garden without a tree is not a lucky garden.
· Flowers - flowers are very colorful. It can invite good energy for good health and happiness. If you want to avoid sad things to happen with any of your family members adding lots of flowering plants to your garden will be helpful. People love flowers and it can also give happy ambiance in any home and garden environment.
Chi can eliminate all the negative energy that might affect you and your family.
One of my favorite plants is the large white-flowered Mystery Gardenia (gardenia jasminoides) that grows to about 5' tall and wide. The perfume-like scent adds an exotic feeling to gardens. If you want to enjoy gardenias, plant them where they get sun. Most people plant gardenias in the shade because these plants love the same soil as shade-loving camellias and azaleas. Gardenias will not bloom well in the shade.
Don't over water your gardenias. To keep your plants from drying out, mulch well.
Gardenias also like rich organic soil, azalea/camellia fertilizer, and iron. If your gardenias get yellow leaves, they most likely need more iron. During the growing season, feed your gardenias every three weeks.
Don't get harsh when pruning gardenias. Prune after blooming but before fall so the plant gets a chance to grow and form new flowers for the next spring bloom.
Gardenias bloom from late spring well into summer. Besides the glorious creamy-white blooms, they give your garden a gorgeous deep green backdrop all year long.
Just one or two flowers floating in a bowl of water fills your home with natural fragrance.
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